I love summer nights out in the mountains. Hiking up at night, finding a cozy sleeping spot and then waking up to the sunrise. Pure happiness!

First stop: Ankelalm
This is one of my favorite night tours. Right around midnight you take the train from Munich to Fischhausen-Neuhaus and follow the sign up to the Ankelalm. It is a 90-minute walk, pretty easy. Up there you will find a perfect spot to camp at night. Just me and my sleeping bag. Nothing more.
After a few hours of sleep you get woken up by chippering birds and the morning light.

Climb to the Brecherspitz
Just after sunrise, you can pack your stuff and climb up all the way to the Brecherspitz where you have magical views of the Schliersee and Spitzingsee. After a little break at the top, take down the way to Spitzingsee via the Obere Fistalm and enjoy a lovely breakfast.
Definitely one of my favorite night tours.
photo credits: Munich Mountain Rebel