During my private vacation in Switzerland I focused on my trail running training and simply wanted to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors. Although I have discovered mountain biking as a new sport, which I LOVE, I will always be a runner. Running up steep, high mountains, testing and challenging my personal limits, running farther, higher, faster. This is my biggest drug. I am a running addict!

Latschüelfurgga – Strelapass – Weissfluhjoch
For those of you who are looking for a nice 20k run in alpine terrain, I got this special tip for you. Magical, beautiful and empowering. I started in Davos Platz and ran/hiked up the way to Latschüelfurgga. There were many snow fields up there, which slowed me down, but it was also amazing. Most of the time I was all by myself, wearing a tank top, enjoying the sun, taking in these beautiful surroundings and just running through snow.

Then I took the route to the Strelapass. This time it was a bit too crowded for my taste. Too many hiking tourists so that I ran pretty fast in order to be alone again. But nevertheless, it is always gorgeous.

At the Strelapass I decided to run along the “Felsenweg”, all the way up to the Weissfluhjoch summit. I have seen magical images of the mountain ranges from some mountain bikers and so wanted to see it for myself. I loved the rocky surroundings, it was a bit rougher than the Strelapass, exactly what I needed. The way up to the Parsenn Station and then to the Weissfluhjoch summit is pretty steep. When trails are steep, breathing becomes harder, legs fatigue more quickly, and you tend to feel every painstaking step. Shortening your stride and taking quick steps help maintain efficiency on climbs. Short strides also help keep you in a more upright position, always standing tall – which I did.
WOW – the views up there are heartbreakingly beautiful. I saw the spot where they build the igloo village during winter season and some of the most magical mountain ranges. The Weissfluhjoch summit itself was rather disappointing, since it is a major tourist attraction. My recommendation: don’t take the funicular, hike or run up the summit. It is so much better. The same applies for going down. And if you are lucky, you get to see a group of alpine ibex climbing cliff face.

Up there – just breathe. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and out, then opened my eyes and had this huge satisfying smile on my face. All in all, it was a 20k run with an elevation gain of roughly 1,324 m. A magical tour!
photo credits: Munich Mountain Rebel
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